Thursday 10 December 2015


It’s easy sometimes to become numb to the sheer talent we see in MTB videos, don’t you think? Like many of you, I've kicked off this lunch hour watching Danny Mac’s Cascadia video. If you haven't seen it yet, it's more logic defying, full mental. Danny starts on the rooftops of Spanish apartment block and works his way down to the sea following what I can only describe as the scenic route (see -

I first had this thought watching helmet cams Red bull Rampage. Aside from the 70+ foot gaps which I *actually* can't get my head around, I would genuinely struggle to drop in from that starters ledge and yet because we see all these riders drop in, it becomes the norm. 

Since then, I haven't really picked my jaw up off my desk at work, admiring the sheer flow, skill and balls of these gentlemen. If it's watching Remi Metallier tearing through Coast Gravity Park, Cam McCaul being, well, Cam McCaul or Danny Mac's Cascadia, I feel like I am appreciating everything more than ever and it's pushing my riding to a whole new level.

So sit back, get your lunch time brew, watch these and next time you're out on the trails, have a think about how these guys would ride it.

Remi @ Coast

Sam Reynolds @ Rampage

Cam McCaul - 3 Bikes, 3 minutes

Monday 13 April 2015

Success isn't Everything

When your hobby has a competitive element to it, there is always a danger that you can psych yourself out of things and your once favourite past time becomes a chore.

I have just read Sam Pilgrim's article on Pinkbike. It's a really interesting insight into the life of a professional mountain biker. Pro's are probably the envy of anyone who enjoys riding bikes. The thought of getting to travel the world and riding your bike every day is surely the dream! Well, yes, in theory, but it's not all parties, trails and free bikes.

Careful what you wish for...
Now, I have never been a professional mountain biker, and quite often, the demands of my job get in the way of being able to ride my bike as much as I would like. But when you have big companies supporting you financially in your globetrotting bike riding exploits, there comes an expectation to perform. Especially, in Sam's case, if you are the world champ.

For me, the best thing about mountain biking is being in a stress free environment, being able to get away from all the demands of everyday life and let loose on the trails. That would all change with the weight of expectation.

Whether your sponsors say so or not, it would be difficult to not feel the pressure. Sometimes, even you can be your own worst enemy. It's the same in your 'normal' day jobs. The people who pay the wages expect some level of performance. Throw into the mix that the level of performance requires tricking 30 foot jumps with little margin for error, that would really add some pressure.

Whether you can sympathise with the pressure that is on professional athlete, surely you can agree that it adds to the respect they earn every time they huck themselves off a kicker or hurl themselves down a mountainside, knowing just what could be on the line.

Thursday 19 March 2015

What We're watching this week (It's not even a little bit MTB)

So these videos are not strictly MTB (not even a little bit) but we cannot stop watching them. Both incredibly inspiring edits for different reasons.

Hillside Dirtjam
Firstly we have a re-cap of Cam White's Hillside Dirtjam. Cam is someone we have been fans of for quite some time. One of the huge contingent of BMX riders who constantly push and break the boundaries of what is possible. Thinking about it, we can't think of a BMX rider who doesn't do that. All you have to do though, is watch the previous highlight reels of this contest to see how rapid progression is in BMX riding. We will never get bored of watching people go this huge and nailing big tricks. Enjoy. 

Skateboarding Rules
You all seemed to really enjoy my piece on how I feel about the suggestions of skateboarding in the Olympics so it probably comes as no surprise that I am a huge fan of the sport. It's paved the way for extreme sports entering the mainstream which has made everything more accessible to people, yet it still maintains it's loveable rogue attitude. This video showcases the hard work, dedication, big balls, blood and sweat that go into achieving goal in extreme sports. It doesn't have to be a medal being chased, a race being won or even a shot being made. It all comes down to personal achievement. Whatever your level, I hope this video inspires you as much as it did me to get out on the bike and push personal boundaries.


Monday 16 March 2015

Bad Smells...

We're Back!!!!!!
We've neglected All Things MTB for a while, because we're all heavily involved in other projects which are taking up A LOT of our time. You shouldn't be mad though, because it's mainly to do with charity work and you can't be mad at us for charity work.

Anyways...we are back. We didn't *really* go away, just like that bad smell clinging on to your knee pads, even when you wash them, it doesn't actually go away. Not properly.

2015 and beyond...?
So, what can you expect from us in 2015...? Good question. More of the same, all things that go along with the MTB lifestyle, we'll bring you our own riding experiences, reviews of events we are interested in reviewing and anything else we generally feel like writing about.

Stay tuned for our Hard(tail) Lovin' article dropping at the end of the week(ish).