Tuesday 4 March 2014

Down Time

     I'm currently recovering from a minor injury, no more than a bruised knee but enough to keep me off my feet and off my bike for more time than you ever wish to spend. Being active and being part of an active sport, it's difficult to spend time off the bike. Especially seeing as having a full time job means I only get two days a week to enjoy my pride and joy. There are however, plus points to being an injured mountain biker. With more time on my hands, I've had time to catch up on magazines, watch videos online, rediscover some of my favourite videos and generally get myself giddy with excitement to get back out on the bike. Outside of the extreme sports world, there isn't much in the way of down time entertainment, with such a varied online community, we really are lucky in what have for our viewing pleasure. 

     It's easy, especially after the winter in the UK to choose the easier option of staying in, instead of braving the cold but a little bit of forced time away from things is great for narrowing the focus. Whilst I've been off the bike, I have used the time to seek out new places to ride, using a bit of online research. Using google earth is a great way to find new routes on your local trails or a bit further afield. I've also been looking at new trail centres worth hitting. A combination of this has lead to the planning of weekends away around the UK using trail centres as a starting point and the not-so-obvious places to hit up in the local area.

     As always, you have to make sure that when planning your route, you're not going somewhere you shouldn't be but we find forums are a good way to see if routes are commonly ridden by locals. 

    A combination of a planned out Summer of riding and the turn of the weather (fingers crossed it stays 'ey...) I feel readier than ever to get out on the bike. A bit of downtime isn't so bad after all.


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